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Read current articles, abstracts, blogs and announcements that relate to childhood cancer treatment, cure, survivorship, disparities in care, environmental impact and improvements in quality of life for children impacted by cancer and their families.

Study Finds Exposure to Phthalates May Increase Children's Cancer Risk
UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT CANCER CENTER - March 14, 2022 "Childhood, but not gestational (in utero) phthalate exposure was associated with...

Study Finds Healthier Hearts in Pediatric Cancer Survivors
UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO - JACOBS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND BIOMEDICAL SERVICES - March 1, 2022 "Lipshultz says the research validates that...

Study: Early Results Show Fertilizer Chemicals in Drinking Water Could Lead to Pediatric Cancer
NEBRASKA PUBLIC MEDIA - February 16, 2022 "High amounts of fertilizer and other ag chemicals in Nebraska drinking water could be...

Utility of a Cancer Predisposition Screening Tool for Predicting Subsequent Malignant Neoplasms in C
MEDPAGE TODAY - November 8, 2021 "MIPOGG (McGill Interactive Pediatric OncoGenetic Guidelines) application helps prioritize patients for...

Cancer Cases in Kids Are Rising. Some Experts Blame Toxic Chemicals.
Public Health Watch - December 3, 2021 “As we see this explosion in environmental chemicals in human populations, it’s entirely likely...

Houston Residents Sue City, Railroad, for Poisoning & Contamination Caused by Creosote Wood Preserva
Beyond Pestacides - December 2, 2021 "the community is in the midst of a childhood leukemia cancer cluster, with disease rates five times...

Can testicular tissue restore childhood cancer survivors’ fertility?
Freethink - November 7, 2021 "In 1994, researchers showed that transplanting SSCs from a fertile mouse into an infertile one gave it the...

Locals Protest Pesticides Linked to Childhood Cancers
Sun-Gazette News - November 3, 2021 "Studies found that these pesticides increase risk of a child developing specific forms of cancers...

Study finds cancer screening tool may help predict risk of developing new cancer among childhood can
McGill University - August 19, 2021 "Scientists from The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and the Montreal Children’s Hospital of...

Ambient Air Pollution: Health Hazards to Children
PEDIATRICS - June 2021 "Ambient air pollution and some of its constituents [vehicular traffic, coal-fired power plants, hydraulic...

State Study Suggests Link Between Elevated Rates of Childhood Cancer in Wilmington in the 1990s and
Press Release, Department of Public Health, State of Massachusetts - March 24, 2021 "Results of the study suggest an association between...
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